QQI Work Practice

qqi-work-practice, work in an organisation

Learn the skill and competence to work in an organisation.

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to work in an organisation or specific vocational context, carrying out vocationally related tasks over a period of time, independently while under general supervision.

To be eligible to sit this course you must be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). This means that learners must have experience in healthcare, homecare or family care and as such must be deemed competent in a range of learning outcomes. After purchasing, an eligibility form will be emailed to you which must be completed and submitted to confirm your eligibility. *If you don’t meet the requirements you will be refunded your course fee.

If you have no experience in the above areas please contact us to discuss your requirements.

On course completion learners will be able to:

  1. Summarise the distinguishing features of the organisation, institution or workplace to include its status (public, private, voluntary, other), size, organisational structure, main aims and its overall work, staff client engagement and management practices
  2. Comment on current issues, challenges and trends affecting the organisation, institution or workplace, to include as appropriate, local, national, global, economic and social and or ethical issues
  3. Summarise the main legislation and regulations relevant to the place of work; to include health, safety and welfare at work, employment, equality and matters related to the specific vocational context
  4. Explain the organisation’s internal and external policies and procedures pertinent to own role and role of others
  5. Conclude a minimum 2 month work practice placement undertaking a range vocationally specific tasks and activities
  6. Select information required for a range of work-based tasks, to include analysis of information and application of knowledge to new situations
  7. Work independently carrying out a range of vocationally specific activities and tasks in the organisation, institution or workplace, seeking advice and general direction as appropriate
  8. Contribute positively as a member of an organisation or team; maintaining time-keeping, personal presentation, meeting deadlines and adherence to health, safety and other relevant regulations and practice
  9. Execute work practice tasks and responsibilities in a professional and safe manner
  10. Reflect on personal work practices, to include feedback from supervisor(s) or mentors on personal performance, achievements and challenges
  11. Review personal and professional learning to include identifying strengths and weaknesses, learning and career opportunities within the vocational field and within the organisation, institution or workplace

All learning outcomes must be assessed:

  • Portfolio / Collection of Work 40% – A portfolio or collection of work is a collection and/or selection of pieces of work produced by the learner over a period of time that demonstrates achievement of a range of learning outcomes. The collection may be self-generated or may be generated in response to a particular brief or tasks/activities devised by the assessor
  • Learner Record 60% – A learner record is the learner’s self-reported and self-reflective record in which he/she describes specific learning experiences, activities, responses and skills acquired


  • Pass 50% – 64%
  • Merit 65% – 79%
  • Distinction 80% – 100%

Click on the below for information on RPL, Exemptions & PEL


Successful completion of this component award enables the learner to transfer to programmes leading to other certificates where this component is a mandatory or an elective requirement.