QQI Manual Handling Instruction

Manual Handling Instructor training

Become a Manual Handling Instructor and promote safe manual handling while contributing to a safer work environment and improved overall organisational well-being.

Our 4-day QQI Level 6 Manual Handling Instruction course will equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to effectively design and deliver manual handling training in the workplace as a Manual Handling Instructor. Participants are trained in instructional skills techniques as well as the theoretical and practical aspects of manual handling. The course is accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) at Level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).

For in-house course delivery requests, we can provide the training in-person for all 4 days or through the blended approach of 2 days online followed by 2 days in-person.

Why the blended approach?

In consultation with our subject matter experts, we deliver the course 2-days on Zoom and 2-days in-person. Instructors must be able to practice what they preach so learners will be assessed in-person to ensure they can teach the course to the highest standard. Our Instructor will be able to show the learners the correct lifting techniques and involve them all in the process while attending in-person. The practical elements should be completed in-person so we offer a blended approach in the delivery of the QQI course.


Upcoming Blended Courses

Our courses are delivered online through ZOOM for the first 2 days and in our training venues in Dublin and Cork on day 3 & 4.

Course times are 9am to 4.30pm.

  • ZOOM & Dublin
    April 14th, 15th, 24th & 25th
    • €699.00 excl.
  • ZOOM & Cork
    April 14th, 15th, 24th & 25th
    • €699.00 excl.
  • ZOOM & Dublin
    May 15th, 16th, 22nd & 23rd
    • €699.00 excl.
  • ZOOM & Cork
    May 15th, 16th, 22nd & 23rd
    • €699.00 excl.
  • ZOOM & Dublin
    June 16th, 17th, 23rd & 24th
    • €699.00 excl.
  • ZOOM & Cork
    June 16th, 17th, 23rd & 24th
    • €699.00 excl.

Dublin: Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport
Cork: Rochestown Park Hotel

Lunch and parking costs included in the price while attending in the hotels. 


Part funding may be available for your company on our accredited public courses through the following Skillnets:

  • Fingal Chamber Skillnet (Dublin, Meath & Kildare Regions) – For more information contact skillnet@fingalchamber.ie.
  • IRD Duhallow Skillnet (Cork Region) – Contact duhallow@irdduhallow.com or call 029-60633.

Accessing the course on Zoom:

System requirements:

  • An internet connection – broadband wired or wireless.
  • Speakers and a microphone – built-in, USB plug-in, or wireless Bluetooth.
  • A webcam or HD webcam – built-in or USB plug-in.

Do I need to download the Zoom App to access the course?

You can join your meeting on the Zoom app but users can also join Zoom meetings or webinars from their web browser and bypass downloading Zoom. Simply, locate the meeting invite link from your email or calendar invitation. Click the join link to join the meeting. If a pop-up window prompts you to open or install the Zoom desktop app, click Cancel.

Why complete a Manual Handling Instructor course?

  1. Expertise in Manual Handling Techniques: The course equips participants with in-depth knowledge of proper manual handling techniques. Participants learn how to assess and minimise the risks associated with manual handling tasks, ensuring the safety and well-being of themselves and their colleagues.
  2. Compliance with Legal Requirements: The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work, (General Applications) Regulations 2007, Chapter 4 of Part 2, outline the requirements that must be adhered to in relation to manual handling. By becoming a certified Manual Handling Instructor, individuals can demonstrate compliance with these legal requirements and ensure that their organisation adheres to health and safety regulations.
  3. Improved Workplace Safety: Manual handling injuries are common in various industries. By completing a Manual Handling Instructor course, individuals gain the skills and knowledge to identify potential hazards, assess risks, and implement appropriate control measures. They can then effectively train colleagues to perform manual handling tasks safely, reducing the risk of injuries and accidents in the workplace.
  4. Cost Reduction: Workplace injuries resulting from improper manual handling practices can lead to increased costs for organisations. These costs may include medical expenses, workers’ compensation claims, productivity losses, and potential legal issues. By training employees correctly through a Manual Handling Instructor course, organisations can reduce the likelihood of such incidents and minimise associated costs.
  5. Empowering and Engaging Employees: Providing manual handling training can empower employees by equipping them with the knowledge and skills to perform their tasks safely and confidently. This leads to increased engagement, morale, and job satisfaction. As a Manual Handling Instructor, you can contribute to creating a positive and safety-focused work culture.
  6. Enhanced Training and Communication Skills: The course not only covers manual handling techniques but also emphasises effective teaching methodologies and communication skills. Manual Handling Instructors learn how to deliver engaging and informative training sessions, communicate clearly, and tailor the training to different learning styles. These skills can be valuable in various professional contexts.
  7. Career Advancement Opportunities: Becoming a certified Manual Handling Instructor can open up career advancement opportunities. Organisations across different industries value employees who possess expertise in health and safety training, as it contributes to maintaining a safe and compliant work environment. This certification can enhance your professional profile and potentially lead to roles related to health and safety training or consultancy.

Some recent course feedback:

  • “The instructor was extremely pleasant, helpful, dynamic in his approach, full of knowledge. Took time to explain in detail and would recommend him for future courses. Very enjoyable course.”
  • “The instructor was absolutely fantastic. Made the whole week so easy, understandable and relatable. He is extremely knowledgeable and a credit to The Cpl Institute.”
  • “The instructor was very knowledgeable. Could answer any questions with ease and kept a positive and encouraging attitude throughout the course.”
  • “Very good course. All materials were easy to follow and the instructor showed all aspects both physically and practically to an immense ability. This made all the tests easy to follow.”
  • “Really enjoyed this course. The instructor was extremely knowledgeable, professional and created a good learning environment.”

Course Eligibility:

There are no specific requirements for this course however you must be competent in the written and spoken language which the course is being delivered in. This is English unless otherwise indicated.

A laptop or tablet is required. It must have Microsoft PowerPoint or similar software installed as you’ll need to create and deliver a presentation as part of your final assessment on day 4.

Course Assessment:

  • Skills Demonstration 60%
  • Examination (Theory Based) 20%
  • Assignment 20% (to be completed in learners’ own time)


Manual Handling Instruction Certificate 6S0242 – Level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).

This component has a credit value of 10. Successful completion of this course enables the learner to transfer to programmes leading to other certificates where this component is a mandatory or an elective requirement.

Manual Handling Instruction Certificate Grading:

  • Pass 50% – 64%
  • Merit 65% – 79%
  • Distinction 80% – 100%

Course Objectives:

On course completion learners will be able to:

  • Communicate the principles and theories related to manual handling.
  • Demonstrate safe manual handling skills.
  • Use effective presentation skills to deliver manual handling instruction.
  • Provide manual handling instruction to learners who have varying levels of competence to include planning, preparation delivery and evaluation.

Online Training Requirements:

  • You must have access to a laptop/computer with a webcam to complete this training.
  • You must be available to complete the whole course as 100% attendance is required.
  • You will receive a link by email to access the training for day 1 and 2 and the platform controls will be discussed at the beginning of the session.
  • A laptop or tablet is required. It must have Microsoft PowerPoint or similar software installed as you’ll need to create and deliver a presentation as part of your final assessment on day 4.

Course Programme:

  • Unit 1 – Legislation Requirements and Health Benefit
  • Unit 2 – Anatomy and Back Care
  • Unit 3 – Ergonomics Principles and Risk Assessments
  • Unit 4 – Manual Handling Principles and Techniques
  • Unit 5 – Planning and Design of Manual Handling Training Programmes
  • Unit 6 – Delivery of Manual Handling Training

What to Expect:

  • Highly participative and interactive course
  • Presentations by participants
  • Practical flexibility and strengthening exercises
  • Practical Risk Assessment Workshops
  • Course assessment – presentation and written exam

Methods of Training:

The course will incorporate a wide range of interactive training tools including ice breakers, videos, visual presentations, group work, individual tasks, problem based learning and exercises with a strong emphasis on practical application throughout. The Manual Handling Instructor course is extremely interactive, providing participants with the opportunity to prepare and practice their skills demonstration. All participants will receive a comprehensive Manual and training will be delivered on a ratio of no more than 12 participants to each instructor.

QQI Assessment:

Participants are required to complete an assignment, examination and make skills demonstration as indicated below. The fair and consistent assessment of learners is paramount to The Cpl Institute and is implemented through our QA system. All assessments are carried out in accordance with QQI regulations and are internally verified and externally authenticated before certification is issued.

All participants have the right to appeal their result and all appeals will be dealt with in accordance with the The Cpl Institute QQI appeals procedure. All participants who successfully complete the written examinations and practical assignments will be awarded with a QQI level 6 Special Purpose Manual Handling Instruction certificate and the appropriate credits under the national framework of qualifications will then be obtained by the learner. Participants will be given clear guidelines on how the assignment should be completed. The skills demonstration element will be completed and assessed during the course.

Summary of Assessments:

  • Skills Demonstration 60%
  • Examination (Theory Based) 20%
  • Assignment 20% (to be completed in learners’ own time)


  • Pass 50-64%
  • Merit 65-79%
  • Distinction 80-100%

Skills Demonstration:

Candidates will be assessed in skills (based in Units 4, 5 & 6) in the following areas:

  • Carry out a range of manual handling techniques and apply to manual handling tasks.
  • Analyse learner’s performance of manual handling techniques.
  • Give effective instruction in practical manual handling.
  • Deliver effective presentation

Candidates should demonstrate the skills with due care and attention. A checklist will be used to assess the range of skills to become a manual handling instructor.


This is a theory based examination of approximately 90 minutes duration that assesses the candidate’s ability to recall and apply theory and understanding of components from units 1, 2 & 3, requiring responses to a arrange of short answer questions. The learner must achieve at least 16 correct answers to pass the assessment. Candidates will be required to complete the exam in writing or orally.


Each candidate must present an assignment which demonstrates their understanding of unit 3 and ability to carry out a manual handling risk assessment, discuss a case study or devise a lesson plan as a Manual Handling Instructor. The assignment should identify theoretical understanding and practical application on a range of specific learning outcomes in unit 3. The assignment must be presented in written or type format. The brief will require the learner to present information in relation to above mentioned areas. The assignment will be given to the delegates at the end of the course and must be submitted 2 weeks following course completion.

Please note that this is a modular course. Each course has its own specific timetable and participants are not encouraged to attend later modules or exam days on alternative courses, but The Cpl Institute will accommodate, when possible, the transfer to a later course/examination when participants cannot complete the course due to circumstances outside their control.

National Framework of Qualifications: Course qualifies as 10 credits towards QQI (Level 6) Certificates and is a recognised module within the National Framework of Qualifications.

Manual Handling Instructor Pack:

As a manual handling instructor, learners will have to certify their colleagues/staff in their companies and create their own certificates. To help with course management we can provide a blank Manual Handling Instructor PDF Pack on request.

The pack includes:

  • Course Attendance Sheet
  • Course Declaration Form (To be completed and signed by learners confirming their ability to carry out the practical lifts)
  • Course Presentation
  • Course Quiz
  • Practical Lifts Assessment Form
  • Learner Feedback Form
  • Course Certificate

The pack will also be available to purchase as a customisable pack at this link where you can submit your company’s logo and colours to be used to create a branded instructor pack for your business.

This pack can be purchased by all Manual Handling Instructors regardless if they completed the course with The Cpl institute or not. However, they must provide us with a QQI Manual Handling Instructor certificate as proof that they are a qualified Manual Handling Instructor.

Avoid Manual Handling where possible.

Regulation 69(a) of the 2007 Regulations states that, in order to avoid the need for manual handling of loads by employees, every employer must:

  • Take appropriate organisational measures, or
  • Use the appropriate means, in particular mechanical equipment

All participants’ names, gender, DOB and PPS numbers must be supplied to The Cpl Institute as part of QQI certification requirements.

Please let us know if participants have any specific learner requirements.

What are the National Framework of Qualifications?

The National Framework of Qualifications describes what learners need to know, understand and be able to do, to achieve a qualification. It lists the main qualifications awarded at each level and pathways from one NFQ level to the next.

It allows you to compare qualifications to help with your choice of programme or course, knowing that it will be recognised at home and abroad.

All qualifications included on the NFQ are listed in the Irish Register of Qualifications. If your qualification was obtained outside Ireland, NARIC Ireland, the National Academic Recognition Information Centre will help you find out how your qualification is understood in Ireland.

Add to your personal skill set and add more value to your organisation by completing a QQI Level 6 Manual Handling Instruction course with The Cpl Institute.