MEWP Training

Each year people are killed or seriously injured unnecessarily in the workplace because of accidents that could be avoided. M.E.W.P. and Hoists are potentially dangerous pieces of equipment that need to be operated carefully, correctly and only by trained operators. (M.E.W.P. – Mobile Elevated Work Platforms)
M.E.W.P. Operator Training Certificate – The Cpl Institute (TCI)
Who should attend MEWP training?
Beginners or Experienced Operators who require certification
Course Objectives:
On completion of this course participants will be able to:
- Identify the basic components and structure of a standard
Mobile Elevated Work Platform or Hoist - Identify its load handling capacities and capabilities
Course Programme:
- Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act
- M.E.W.P. / Hoist Operators Responsibilities
- Accident Prevention
- Written theory Assessment
- Identify M.E.W.P / Hoist controls
- Basic Steering Exercises
- Safe use of Hydraulics
- Maintenance Checks
- Practical work by Trainers
- Practical Test of Operating Skills
Please let us know if participants have any specific learner requirements.
The Cpl Institute (formerly Nifast) provides accredited courses through QQI, PHECC & IOSH.