QQI Safety Representation Training

Safety Rep Training

Becoming a health and safety representative can be a meaningful and influential role within an organisation. Safety representatives help to reduce hazards and risks in your workplace.

Delivered online through ZOOM, our 4-day Quality an Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Health and Safety Representation course concentrates on training the attendee to apply sound principles to Safety and Health issues as part of a total strategy to reduce hazards and risks in the workplace. Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 workers may select and appoint from among their fellow employees, a Safety Rep.

Safety representatives play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of employees by advocating for and promoting a safe work environment. They actively participate in identifying and addressing potential hazards, conducting risk assessments, and implementing safety measures. By becoming a safety representative, you can contribute to reducing accidents, injuries, and occupational health issues, fostering a healthier and safer workplace for all.

For in-house course delivery requests, we can provide the training in-person or online through Zoom or Microsoft Teams for all 4 days, or a mixture of both.


Upcoming Online Courses

Course times are 9am to 4.30pm.

  • ZOOM
    April 1st, 2nd, 7th & 8th
    • €549.00 excl.

Accessing the course on Zoom:

System requirements:

  • An internet connection – broadband wired or wireless.
  • Speakers and a microphone – built-in, USB plug-in, or wireless Bluetooth.
  • A webcam or HD webcam – built-in or USB plug-in.

Do I need to download the Zoom App to access the course?

You can join your meeting on the Zoom app but users can also join Zoom meetings or webinars from their web browser and bypass downloading Zoom. Simply, locate the meeting invite link from your email or calendar invitation. Click the join link to join the meeting. If a pop-up window prompts you to open or install the Zoom desktop app, click Cancel.

Who should attend?

Appointed staff who have responsibility for fostering proactive communication between management and employees on health and safety issues should attend Safety Rep training.

Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, employers, and those who control workplaces to any extent, are required to:

  • Identify the hazards and assess the risks in the workplaces they control
  • Prepare a written safety statement setting out the arrangements in place for securing and managing the safety, health and welfare of their employees and other people, along with the co-operation required from employees to achieve this.

Why become a Safety Representative?

  1. Making a difference in employee well-being: The primary focus of safety representatives is the welfare of employees. They serve as a bridge between management and workers, providing a voice for employee concerns regarding safety and health matters. Safety representatives can engage in initiatives such as safety training programs, awareness campaigns, and regular safety meetings to educate and empower employees. By actively working to improve the well-being of your colleagues, you can make a tangible difference in their lives.
  2. Being an advocate for compliance: Safety representatives are responsible for ensuring compliance with safety regulations, policies, and procedures. They help monitor and enforce safety standards, conduct inspections, and identify areas where improvements are needed. By actively advocating for compliance, safety representatives help organizations avoid potential legal issues, financial penalties, and reputational damage.
  3. Continuous learning and professional development: As a safety representative, you have the opportunity for continuous learning and professional development. The field of workplace safety is ever-evolving, with new regulations, best practices, and technologies emerging. By staying updated with the latest developments, attending training programs, and engaging in professional networks, you can enhance your knowledge and skills, contributing to your personal growth and career advancement.
  4. Contributing to organisational success: A safe and healthy work environment is crucial for the success and sustainability of any organisation. Safety representatives play a vital role in reducing incidents, injuries, and associated costs, such as medical expenses, insurance premiums, and productivity losses. By proactively managing safety risks and implementing effective safety programs, safety representatives contribute to the overall success of the organisation.

Some recent course feedback:

  • “A nice blended mix of bookwork and presentation. Delivered by the instructor with ease and in a manner that was relatable to the subject matter. Overall a very enjoyable session which I believe I am the better for. I would highly recommend to others if and when the opportunity arises.”
  • “The trainer was very knowledgeable and helpful, he answered fully and professionally all my answers, thank you.”
  • “Great course and the instructor was brilliant. Would definitely recommend.”
  • “Excellent course, well executed and delivered. Excellent job!”

Course Eligibility:

You must be involved in safety within your workplace prior to commencing this course.

You must also be competent in the written and spoken language which the course is being delivered in. This is English unless otherwise indicated.

Course Assessment:

  • Project 50% (to be completed in learners’ own time)
  • Examination (Theory Based) 30%
  • Skills Demonstration 20%


Health and Safety Representation Certificate 5N1451 – Level 5 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).

This component has a credit value of 15. Successful completion of this course enables the learner to transfer to programmes leading to other certificates where this component is a mandatory or an elective requirement.

Safety Representation Certificate Grading:

  • Pass 50% – 64%
  • Merit 65% – 79%
  • Distinction 80% – 100%

The Role of a Safety Representative

The Safety Rep role includes the undertaking of tasks such as workplace inspections, accident investigations, investigation of complaints and consultation on workplace health and safety matters. Training is required for Safety Reps and employers are required to ensure that such training is comprehensive and allows Safety Reps to fulfil their role in the workplace. The course is accredited by QQI – Quality and Qualifications Ireland.

The Safety Rep role is not to be confused with Safety Officer. A Health and Safety Officer is appointed to perform the main health and safety duties in the workplace. He or she is responsible for ensuring that there is a safe working environment for employees and other relevant parties. It is usually a full-time role.

Health and Safety Representatives act as the liaison between senior management and employees, and may be responsible for, amongst other things assisting the Health and Safety Officer. Safety Representatives usually take on their responsibilities in addition to their regular full-time jobs.

Course Objectives:

On course completion learners will be able to:

  • Describe the main Irish health and safety legislation, the various codes of practice and the function and powers of the key state agency with responsibility for health and safety
  • Explore differences between civil law and criminal law in relation to health and safety legislation
  • Describe the main duties of employers and employees as specified in the current health and safety legislation
    Investigate key sources for health and safety information and advice
  • Describe the risks and the control measures for the following in the workplace: -noise-dust-vibration-fumes-other factors appropriate to a work environment
  • Outline the risk factors in relation to health to include stress, bullying and harassment
  • Explain the importance of health and safety promotion in the workplace and its implementation
  • Explain the term PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and its use in a range of work environments
  • Illustrate the techniques of accident prevention
  • Investigate accident trends in the workplace to include factors contributing to accidents, the accident sequence, accident behaviour and the outcomes of accidents
  • Explain the health and safety policies in a specific workplace including the safe handling of materials and products
  • Examine the role and rights of the safety representative including their selection and appointment
  • Interpret the health and safety management structure in a workplace with clearly identified responsibilities
  • Analyse the various fire hazards in the workplace and methods of fire control
  • Carry out hazard identification in the workplace including whom may be affected by these hazards
  • Explain risk assessment methods
  • Select appropriate hazard control measures to control risks in the workplace
  • Complete a safety audit
  • Employ effective methods of communicating safety in the workplace
  • Participate in group discussion and decision making at safety meetings
  • Outline the legal requirements relating to safety statements, describing the purpose and main elements of the safety statement
  • Explain the employers responsibility to his employees regarding the safety statement
  • Explore the main components of good safety culture and the importance of promoting a safety culture

Course Programme:

  • Safety legislation
  • Role of the Safety Rep
  • Safety Management
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Accident Investigation Techniques
  • Safety Auditing
  • Risk Assessment Principles
  • How Incidents /  Accidents Occur
  • Fire Safety Management
  • Manual Handling Risks
  • PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
  • Toolbox Talks
  • Occupational Health
  • Accident  / Incident Investigation

Online Training Requirements:

  • You must have access to a laptop/computer with a webcam to complete this training
  • You must be available to complete the whole course as 100% attendance is required
  • You will receive a link by email to access the training and the platform controls will be discussed at the beginning of the session

All participants’ names, gender, DOB and PPS numbers must be supplied to The Cpl Institute as part of QQI certification requirements.

Please let us know if participants have any specific learner requirements.

Related Course – Safety & Health at Work Certificate

This course is for those who wish to become safety officers/manager within their organisation.  They take ownership of the safety culture within the organisation and would be expected to be able to carry out risk assessments and complete safety statements and have a clear understanding of what the Safety & Health at Work Act 2005, General Applications 2007 and Codes of Practice would entail.

What are the National Framework of Qualifications?

The National Framework of Qualifications describes what learners need to know, understand and be able to do, to achieve a qualification. It lists the main qualifications awarded at each level and pathways from one NFQ level to the next.

It allows you to compare qualifications to help with your choice of programme or course, knowing that it will be recognised at home and abroad.

All qualifications included on the NFQ are listed in the Irish Register of Qualifications. If your qualification was obtained outside Ireland, NARIC Ireland, the National Academic Recognition Information Centre will help you find out how your qualification is understood in Ireland.

Add to your personal skill set and add more value to your organisation by completing a QQI Level 5 Health and Safety Representation course with The Cpl Institute.